
Contributors: Dorian Tarantini and Matteo Mena

Dorian Tarantini and Matteo Mena, Creative Directors of M1992 and Borbonese

MU32: the interviews to sector’s opinion leaders talking about key topics for the industry

"the creation of more digital archives on a variety of subjects and, above all, accessible to everyone, could help creativity."

Dorian Tarantini and Matteo Mena


In this year of profound changes, how much has digital technology favored and supported the development of your work? And how much has it hindered it?

Digital technology contributed to our business just as it did before 2020. It did not hinder development, but rather enabled us to leverage on continuity at such a delicate time. However, after a period in which our relationships depended exclusively on digital technology, we have become aware that it is definitely an important and creative tool, but it needs to be coupled with the physical dimension, which remains irreplaceable and should never be underestimated.


How can the digital technology support creativity?

This has already been happening for a long time; we were just unaware that digital technology had already become an integral part of our daily lives. I would say that the creation of more digital archives on a variety of subjects and, above all, accessible to everyone, could help creativity.


In your opinion, in what area did technology really change the fashion supply chain? Which is the business area that could be most constrained by digitalisation?

Pattern-making, tailoring, fitting, fabric selection, collection design, craftsmanship and manual skills are all areas that require a human approach in which the concept of a team cannot be replaced by a call or a chat.

I think that the area that changed the most is communication, which I would absolutely include in the concept of the supply chain. Consequently, the commercial dimension and sales have also been affected by digital technology; the same can be said about the creative and research process underlying each fashion collection and also the supply chain reflected the same orientation. Pattern-making, tailoring, fitting, fabric selection, collection design, craftsmanship and manual skills are all areas that require a human approach in which the concept of a team cannot be replaced by a call or a chat.


Can technology be a lever for generating new sustainable behavior?

Absolutely yes.


Do you think that digitilization can become an ally of sustainability and facilitate its processes?

When it makes communication smoother and more effective, communication is definitely an indispensable ally to elevate sustainability from just a marketing topic to an indispensable condition upstream the supply chain.


Technology alone cannot trigger change nor widespread growth. Craftsmanship as a source of tradition, research as a source of innovation, as well as skills and training to be passed down, are the real assets to be preserved. Is it correct to say that these values are key in determining sustainable behavior and therefore inseparable from real relationships?

In my opinion, the answer is yes, because these values are strongly linked to my background and my country. I believe that the sustainability of Made in Italy production has never slowed down and is continuously reflected - on a daily basis - in our business, artisanal and creative competencies. However, if we are talking about more globally, I believe that there are several independent digital native entities that can produce products, services and art, relying only on technology, as they do not have any other type of knowhow.


How did you manage digital trade shows and events?

Unfortunately, given the type of creative research that I do, the lack of touch, colors and the wow effect when one discovers something new combine to make digital trade shows uninteresting. Nothing in our job can ever replace a moment of meeting and sharing like in a trade show.  



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