
Contributors: Laura Asnaghi

Laura Asnaghi, Fashion Editor La Repubblica

MU32: the interviews to sector’s opinion leaders talking about key topics for the industry

"A designer needs to touch the fabrics, imagine how they drop and perform, even smell their scent."

Laura Asnaghi


In this year of profound changes, how much has digital technology favored and supported the development of your work? And how much has it hindered it?

The economic crisis, which was already present before the pandemic, has definitely caused a slowdown in our industry. From this perspective, digitalization has certainly accelerated processes in every area, even if it can never replace in person human relations.


How can the digital technology support creativity?

By making sharing faster and thus improving the final result of a layout, an advertising campaign, an event. Everything can be monitored, approved or rectified "live"; creativity now has a "support" that did not exist before. Digital technology requires preparation. It can be a great resource if you know how to use it. This also opens up the key theme of involving the 'digital natives', who can represent a fundamental asset, as long as they are supported by the reference professionals along the entire supply chain, who are the 'natives of the fashion system' and understand the mechanisms and orientations of the industry. I believe that these two directions can no longer be kept separate.


In your opinion, in what area did technology really change the fashion supply chain? Which is the business area that could be most constrained by digitalisation?

In accelerating and shortening distances. However, textiles represent the source of the industry and the five senses cannot be ignored.

A designer needs to touch the fabrics, imagine how they drop and perform, even smell their scent.


Can technology be a lever for generating new sustainable behavior?

I believe that technology and the consequent possibility of using technological tools must be explored as a necessary and widespread form of cross-contamination. In this period, it has allowed everyone to continue working. For this reason, we can define it as a sustainable resource as it helped us by protecting our work.


Do you think that digitilization can become an ally of sustainability and facilitate its processes?

Definitely. As I already mentioned, it can generate new roles. And this is totally sustainable! 


Technology alone cannot trigger change nor widespread growth. Craftsmanship as a source of tradition, research as a source of innovation, as well as skills and training to be passed down, are the real assets to be preserved. Is it correct to say that these values are key in determining sustainable behavior and therefore inseparable from real relationships?

Information can be collected easily in real time and from anywhere thanks to digital technology. But nothing will ever replace the bond formed after a face-to-face meeting.


Like a designer, you must find the perfect balance between the elements. Today, communication platforms are immense and very pervasive and, for the same reason, consumers have become more and more demanding and aware. Information can be collected easily in real time and from anywhere thanks to digital technology. But nothing will ever replace the bond formed after a face-to-face meeting.

We need to learn to divide our attention equally between the images, visual suggestions and words that represent our data collection, which can only be completed with a dialogue, an exchange, a glance, a handshake and, why not, even a party where we can release tensions and consolidate our relationships.


How did you manage digital trade shows and events?

In a balanced and conscious way. Even if I do not belong to the digital generation, I like it and try to use technology for the best.  



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