Milano Unica F/W 2018-19 Trends
Cinema and fashion: contaminations and suggestions
Cinema, like fashion, is magic. Imagination, creativity and ability to convey unique emotions. The big screen serves as the point of departure for presenting the four themes that Milano Unica has identified forFall/Winter 2018/19 , analyzing the link between cinema production and fashion and imagining unusual collaborations: four famous directors tried their hands at shooting movies and TV series made by other artists, yet close to them in terms of suggestions, similarities and intuitions.
THE EIGHTIES - like for instance, in the family saga of “Dynasty”, close – in some ways – to the way Americans imagine the Trump ideal, whose keywords are excess, ambition and luxury, much like the typical situations described by Paolo Sorrentino in “The Great Beauty”. In the fashion lexicon this translates into the opulence in the choice of the materials, baroque items winking at haute couture without renouncing an ironic nonchalance when the talk turns to the concept of luxury.
UNCONVENTIONAL - Glam pop combined with a transversal, agender and global style. Pedro Almodóvar becomes the director of “Victor Victoria”, so that all of its ironic and unconventional characters can extend a hand to those who lampoon around middle class respectability. The result is a collage of patchwork fabrics, unusual combinations, mixes and matches for an uncommon style.
HI-TECH – Aesthetics, speed, practicality. Stanley Kubrick meets Sherlock in his modern persona. The futuristic vision of the director of “2001: Space Odyssey” meets the classic British elegance, transforming it into a new concept where hi-tech pragmatism plays a central role.
THE JOURNEY - this is the theme of the vagabond spirit, the world hopper that combines Bernardo Bertolucci's “Little Buddha” with the language of Quentin Tarantino, the director of “Kill Bill” and “The Hateful Eight”. The world of oriental simplicity intertwines with the fast world of American culture to give rise to a new style for a globetrotter capable of surviving even in the most extreme conditions, while never neglecting his elegance.